Fall Wardrobe

James Perse: Funnel Neck Dress

It’s officially getting cold, with promising bits of haze in the morning burning away into warmer afternoons.

Because I never seem to be content with what I have, I’d like a comfy draped dress by James Perse. ♥

♥ Momo

Sleepwalking in Style

Sleepwalking in Style

Sleepwalking in Style: Etsy. I’ve published an Etsy treasury titled Adventuring; check it out!

Oh, and how cool is this:

Kitchenaid Charm

♥ Momo



It’s been a very long time since I received a spam comment worth posting, but this one takes the cake:

“Mary Bale the cat woman reminds me of one of Bladerunner’s replicants – straight after the ‘entre of boiled dog’ query in the Voight-Kampff test; “You find a cat alone in the street. You pet it, and then what?'”


♥ Momo

Autumn Themes

October Hued Flatware

Autumn tones: Etsy.

It is uncharacteristically cold today! Thinking warm thoughts ♥

…for announcing the arrival of fall at your door. {In August? I hope not.}

…for mixing up tasty apple cakes, or carrying potluck dishes over to the neighbors!

…and for bundling up in before carrying potluck dishes over to the neighbors.

…& for good measure, this ring.

♥ Momo

Food for Thought

Strawberry Love

“It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn’t use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like “What about lunch?”
-A.A. Milne via Winnie the Pooh

♥ Momo

But Will it Make You Happy?

Is it a strawberry?

“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

– Christopher Robin to Pooh

The King County Metro system has moved my bus stop. {Pause for dramatic effect.}

The new route deposits me two streets up from my own, and I’m exploring all kinds of new neighborhoods on my new route home. Lovely houses, all quiet residential streets, full of surprises. I actually walked completely past this house before I realized that it smelled like strawberries. I cannot overstate my love of strawberries.

I looked everywhere, until I realized that they were growing all over the sidewalk in front of me, disappearing into a mass of blackberry bushes leading up a cement wall to the house. I inconvenienced at least five people {sorry!} while I crawled around taking pictures of the strawberries, but they were so cute, and so small! ♥

♥ Momo

Tuesday: Lollipop Bowls

I kind of love these ♥ The name of the shop: “Sometimes She Does”. Very cute.  She makes other lovely things too, but I think that the best of the lot are the lollipop bowls. They’re simple, whimsical and cute, without having too much going on.

♥ Momo

Grey Friday

Grey Friday tones: Etsy. Followed by more Etsy.

After a too-hot start to the week, Seattle is grey once again. I’m starting to pull out my sweaters and long pants & looking longingly at my boots. There’s every chance that when I stumble out of work, it will be sunny and warm, so more planning is required than a simple sweater and Smartwool-socks based outfit.

It’s an obvious trend here that my posts wouldn’t be complete without something from Anthro. I give the the Dried leaves dress in grey felted wool, with little felt flowers at the neckline, which aren’t annoying at all. Because I’m a sartorial masochist I went in, tried it on, hugged it, and put it back. It broke my heart a little. I recommend that you get a size down – because of the material, you run the risk of looking like you’re wearing a well-tailored sack if it’s too big.

I want to wear it & wander around Capitol Hill taking pretend-pictures with this camera, & wearing this upcycled felt scarf:

♥ Momo

The Tiny Fat Bird Thing.


Tiny fat bluebird: Etsy.

I might name my business Tiny Fat Bird. One of these days I’ll have to write an explanation/history of why tiny fat bird, but for now, I’ll stick to because. Tiny Fat Bird. That’s why.

If I hadn’t been on a bus at the time, {Yesterday} I would have stopped in my tracks at the sight of a girl at the bus stop with an adorable fat teal bird tattooed on the top of her right foot. I would have stopped and declared my undying love for her foot. I must be mad.

Robins: Lost? They look lost…

♥ Momo

Motopresse on Etsy

Alice Necklace

New pieces up on Etsy! Rutilated/tourmalinated quartz drop necklace finished with a stack of tiny rubies, on a fine double sterling silver chain.

I’m sure I’ve talked about my octopus designs before; I’m awfully fond of them. I call him tako-chan, & I hope he’ll find a good home!

I tried something different this time: offsetting the clasp. I also placed a corresponding ring on the other side for balance, & like the effect. The ring also doubles as an additional loop for the clasp to shorten the necklace if you like. If it goes over well, I might bring it back in future pieces!

I’m not sure why I call him “he”, when he’s got several sweet faceted garnets keeping him company. Habit? In any case, I’ve named it the “Olivia”.

I’m so excited to have these up! A couple of people have actually made my first piece a favorite, and I hope that means that people like my work. I really wasn’t sure what to expect as far as Etsy traffic goes: I’ve heard from people who sold their pieces within 24 hours of listing, and some who have been on for a year before selling anything at all. I have high hopes.

♥ Momo