On Style.


Foxes on the brain ♥

I have to be picky about the jewelry I wear. The inevitable course of the daily conversation goes: “What do you do?”…”Oh, so did you make that ring you’re wearing?”.

There had better be a good reason after “no”, although as soon as you’ve said it, you’ve lost them. I don’t know why. Are we all so judgmental?

I like supporting other artists, & there are incredibly talented women in this industry who deserve recognition & support, so I will still wear other designer’s work. Currently, I’m a fan of Leah Dawn, who is local, & incredible. I would like to be her friend, but I have to stop coveting her work so much, because it’s putting me in an awkward position when I talk to her.

OctopusMe. I have a ring from their Etsy shop, & it was meant to be, because I wanted it for a long time, but a friend of Shawn’s received one from her boyfriend, which made me incredibly jealous. Then they broke up, she sold it to Shawn, who then gave it to me; because it was always meant to be mine. Cast from real octopus. Too cool.

For some reason wearing anything Anthropologie – jewelry or clothing buys me an automatic pass in this town. When I say “Anthro…” instead of “No, I didn’t make this”, there’s this nod of conspiratorial understanding that passes between us, like Anthropologie is some kind of speakeasy whose full name must not be spoken aloud. Weird. Not sure how comfortable I am with that. I want to be my own person, with my own style, & Anthropologie has this growing influence & recognition in Seattle, so that anything I wear might be recognized as being from Anthro. It’s fine in the short term while I work out my sartorial style & establish myself as someone to be known for style here, but it bears thought later on in the process.

The other loophole is vintage {Edwardian} jewelry Shawn buys me. I’m spoiled for choice.


♥ Momo

Tuesday Fun

I had a bit of good luck this week, being the beneficiary of some very generous people with tools and supplies to spare, and who helped make my little studio properly useful. I’m still sorting through all of the amazing tools! {Budgets and tools seem to be on speaking terms, but they have very little in common.}

Anything I can’t use or don’t use for my processes I’m donating to friends who need them. Share the love.

Some pictures from around my bench:

The wait for the Molly Moon Ginger ice cream is over! It really is my week.

♥ Momo

Flickr + Business.

Flickr is updated! Five new galleries, and I have pictures of jewelry made by me! Tell me what you think, and tell me if it’s terrible, before I try to go sell it to people.

♥ Momo

Zucchini Spice Muffins.

Zucchini muffins! This weekend was beautiful; it was warm, & sunny. I’ve been so fixated on making zucchini bread that our kitchen was decidedly lacking the base materials for anything else. So I made zucchini muffins.

At first I was a little disappointed. This just is a different type of batter than the first recipe, which was moist and gooey, and devoured within an hour of leaving the oven. For this recipe, I reduced the cardamom by 75%; it turns out that’s what made the last loaf taste like an Autumn-themed candle. 

The addition of almond meal makes this recipe dryer, but the moisture it had held nicely into the next day. I realized that even though the last loaf was a big crowd pleaser, this one makes a great healthy-ish snack: there’s no butter, limited sugar, and the almond meal is pretty good for you on its own, even if it weren’t taking the place of some of the refined white flour. It would be nice to have a recipe I could make for people who wouldn’t then spend the afternoon complaining that I’m an evil disabler of diets. Because the only thing I dislike more then hearing about your diet is hearing about how it’s my fault you’re failing at it. I’m not going to pretend anymore. 

Healthy {kind-of} Zucchini Muffins:

1 c. Sugar

3 Eggs

3/4 c. Sunflower Oil

1 tsp Vanilla Extract

1/2 c. Finely Chopped Walnuts (Optional)

1/2 c. Almond Meal

2 c. Grated Zucchini

1/2 tsp Ground Cardamom (Reduced from 1 tsp)

1/2 tsp Ground Allspice

1 tsp Ground Cinnamon

Pinch ground cloves (I had no cloves!)

1/2 tsp baking soda

1 1/2 c. self-raising flour

1/2 c. plain flour

Turbinado sugar, for top.

Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a 9″ springform pan, dusting with flour. I sprinkle a little flour on the center and the sides, then smack it around to even out the distribution. (In the second case, I actually made muffins; paper liners in a non-stick pan.)

In a Kitchenaid with the whisk attachment, combine sunflower oil, sugar, eggs and vanilla until thick. I removed the bowl after the mixer did most of the work , because sometimes I feel like the mixer alone doesn’t whisk enough air into the liquids.

With a spoon, fold in almond meal, zucchini and spices. To make sure the spices are evenly distributed, I mix them together in their own small bowl before adding. Combine baking soda and flours, then sift over liquid mixture and fold in.

Pour into lined/buttered muffin pan and sprinkle Turbinado sugar over top of muffins. Bake 15-20 minutes, for muffins, or 45-50 minutes for a nonstick cake pan. Check with a sharp knife – they’re done when it comes out clean.

Cool in pan for 20 minutes, then turn onto a wire rack and cool completely.

While they’re in the oven, don’t forget to do the dishes and eat some blueberries. (If you neglected to buy blueberries, shame on you.)

Serve warm with butter – I liked them the next day with butter & blackberry jam!

♥ Momo

Migi Turns Three!

We rescued Migi as a one-year anniversary present to ourselves. She is our jester, friend, and baby. When we decided to move the house around this week she was our cheerleader and tangled-wire expert. She loves it when we’re cleaning, or working, preferably where she can keep an eye on us. She is ever hopeful that whatever we’re doing will involve ham, but she also understands that not everything in life can include ham. {I’m lying. She really, violently doesn’t understand.}

The pictures above are her sleepy “the bed is all mine now” dance.  Happy birthday Migi. ♥

♥ Momo

General Updates.

Things have been a little hectic, and I feel like even though not much has been really going on to speak of, I haven’t caught my breath to bake anything more than a batch of cookies. I feel like I’m treading water, and slowing down to make food usually brings me back to center.

One fantastic discovery I can’t take credit for: Le Fournil, which has smashing tarts, and a lovely sliced egg sandwich, which was unfortunately gone before I realized I should have taken a picture of it…curses! I can also vouch for the strawberry rhubarb crumble (try spelling rhubarb after thinking about it too long, it’s tricky!), blueberry and raspberry tarts, and their orange juice. I especially like that their lunch special includes a sandwich, tart and juice for less than a sandwich at some of the other places around the gallery. I do regret that I am limited by someone else’s cafe visitations…working on that, but Leah is the nicest lunch delivery person ever ♥

Things I need more of:

Sunbeams, Cute Dresses, Silver: But not at current market price. Yeesh! Books, Coffee, Random encounters with long lost friends. Scones, Music: Send me music! Clean Sheets: This is my own fault, really.

♥ Momo

Zucchini: Take 2

Zucchini Bread. I love it too much.

No honey went into the recipe, but this honey was too good not to show off. ♥

This wasn’t such a bad recipe. The addition of almond meal made it a little fluffier and less greasy than the prior recipe, and I suspect it’ll come out on top once I make some <ahem> adjustments to the spices. A loaf pan is good, but I lprefer my 9″ springform. I use it for everything, even cornbread.

In the end, the recipe isn’t going up, because it kind of tasted like an Autumn candle, & I know I can do better.

♥ Momo


Bee Butt!

I have a photostream up on Flickr, for easy access to the proof that I was off adventuring when I haven’t been blogging!

I got the first batch of photos up from our escapades on Mother’s Day, as well as photos from food around CH. More to come, as I make the transition to my new computer: MacBook Pro! My birthday this year rocked.

Bunny Balloon!

Something cute before bed ♦

♥ Momo

Just Do It: 10 Fruits & Vegetables to Buy Organic

Ichigo Daisuki!

I had a nutritional OMG moment today, which is both good and bad: Good= I keep track of this stuff, and I like adding more information to an already sizable database of bizarre nutritional information. BAD= there’s still crazy shit out there waiting to surprise me. I would direct your attention to the point on strawberries: my favorite food, which I always buy organic, purely because the Safeway and QFC strawberries are watery like iceberg lettuce. Now I have no choice. Who dyes strawberries? Sociopaths, that’s who.

I’m not going to go near the bit on imported grapes, since I personally maintain that pesticides are better than finding a Black Widow in my bunch of grapes.

From HealthyChild.org: (By way of “Fed Up with School Lunch“)

10 Fruits And Vegetables To Buy Organic

  • Peaches : Summer’s blushing fruit contains high residues of iprodione, classified as a probable human carcinogen by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and methyl parathion, an endocrine disruptor and organophosphate (OP) insecticide. Methyl parathion has caused massive kills of bees and birds. According to Consumer Reports, single servings of peaches “consistently exceeded” EPA’s safe daily limit for a 44-pound child.
  • Apples: Apples may contain methyl parathion. Both fresh apples and baby food applesauce can also contain chlorpyrifos, an OP which has caused large bird kills.
  • Nectarines: In the EWG’s most recent testing, nectarines had the highest percentage of samples test positive for pesticides (97.3 percent). Common pesticides found on nectarines include chlorpyrifos, fenarimol, iprodione, malathion, methidathion, myclobutanil, parathion and pirimicarb
  • Strawberries : The enhanced red color of strawberries comes from the fungicide captan, a probable human carcinogen that can irritate skin and eyes, and is highly toxic to fish. While the lethal soil fumigant methyl bromide doesn’t show up on the fruit, it has harmed California farm workers, and depletes the ozone layer.
  • Pears: Pears, both fresh and in baby food, can also come with methyl parathion, as well as the OP azinphos-methyl, which is toxic to freshwater fish, amphibians and bees.
  • Sweet Bell Peppers: There are many varieties of sweet bell peppers and perhaps even more different types of pesticides used on them. Testing ranked sweet bell peppers as the vegetable with the most pesticides found in a single sample and the vegetable with the most pesticides overall.
  • Celery: In testing, celery had the highest percentage of samples test positive for pesticides and the highest likelihood of having multiple pesticides in a single sample.
  • Imported Grapes: Imported grapes contain methyl parathion and methomyl, a carbamate insecticide listed as an endocrine disruptor; as well as dimethoate. Since they are grown under different regulations and guidelines, there pesticide residue levels frequently exceed acceptable levels set by our own government.
  • Spinach: Permethrin, a possible human carcinogen, and dimethoate dominate spinach’s toxicity ratings, but CU notes that residue levels have been declining as U.S. farmers reduce use of these insecticides. DDT has been found in spinach, which leads all foods in exceeding safety tolerances.
  • Potatoes : Pesticide use on potatoes is growing, CU warns. They may contain dieldrin and methamidophos, and children eating potatoes risk getting a very high dose of aldicarb, CU says.
I highly recommend checking out the Fed Up with School Lunch project; this woman is incredibly brave, not just for risking her job, but for voluntarily consuming what she knows to be questionable food every day for an entire school year.
♥ Momo

Nisshin Seifun: Ghibli