
After a recent conversation about my choice of pseudonym, I rmade a point of Googling “Momo”, & came up with a few Urban Dictionary definitions I like. {And a few I definitely don’t.}

Momo is:

1. “The quintessential form of a woman. goddess, the perfect model of cuteness and innocence. Irresistible, with the power to melt ones heart.”

2. “Someone who is fun to be around/someone who knows the best places to hang/someone who can always have fun no matter where and when.”

I like this Momo; don’t you?

TGIF! Today will be a good day, and tomorrow will begin with a gem show, so it has to be a great day. Photos of loot soon.

♥ Momo


Yogurt & Honey

I’m done with today. Everyone I met was either weird or in a weird mood, & there were creepy pod people all over the hill & downtown. It’s 90+ degrees outside, there were two creepy guys lurking around our house, trying the doors at the front and the back. I’m watching them with mounting anxiety, realizing that my newly acquired Santa Fe organic lemonade {I bought about 30+ lbs of it. It was on sale.} makes me 30 lbs slower if one of them decides to chase me. If all that wasn’t enough, I couldn’t get any of the doors to lock properly once I snuck inside, & discovered we were out of toilet paper. The last straw was when I opened my email to discover that I’d been sent corrections to previous Motopresse posts – apparently I had recommended “tanking” friends to Quinn’s.

Time to go to bed and try again tomorrow.

♥ Momo

Speaking of trying again, have you seen Abby Try Again? Love it.

L Frank

I need this…

I’m having an interesting time right now. I’m studying silversmithing & jewelry making, {in case you hadn’t heard} & it’s influencing how I see commercial & designer jewelry. I’m developing a better sense of my own aesthetic & those designers that I’m drawn to, for their style & skills. Poor Shawn is going to be left with nothing to buy me at Christmas except tools.

Not sure how he’ll take this.

I have a sense that when I do find something I like that another designer is making, it means more than it did this time last year.

Meet L Frank.

The set above is my preferred style, but there’s also a couple other amazing designs:

I would love to get to the point where my designs & skill set are developed enough that I could be a designer with work at Twist. L. Frank is inspiring in the simplicity of her designs & the organic aesthetic in the materials she uses. I should be so lucky to have a set of her rings!

♥ Momo

The Printed Word

Read the Printed Word!

…came across this on Tea & Cookies today.

♥ Momo

Whole Wheat Apple Muffins

I’ve been listening to Rosemary Leach reading “A Murder is Announced”, so bear with me for a little while I feel like everything should be answered with the phrase “Quite so”.

In the spirit of using up what we had in our kitchen – a quart of buttermilk that needs using & two apples that had been hiding in the crisper – I threw together some muffins this morning. Very good muffins.

Of course I got to the bit where it calls for buttermilk, and at the last minute I used a cup of cream-top Brown Cow yogurt instead. So I still have buttermilk to use, and one day left til it goes bad….but yogurt turned out to be such a good idea, I can’t make myself regret the decision.

Did you know that I spend more time making food than jewelry? Something has to be done about this. I am, after all supposed to be a jeweler.

Whole Wheat Apple Muffins:
Adapted from King Arthur Flour, via Smitten Kitchen

Yield: Who Knows? I ran out of standard muffin cup liners, and in a moment of insanity used my jumbo muffin pan, for which I did have liners, and voila! I have 8 muffins.

1/2 c. unsalted butter, at room temperature
1/2 c. granulated sugar
1/2 c. dark brown sugar, packed
1 large egg
1 c. plain yogurt – I bake with either Nancy’s or Brown Cow…mmmm.

1 c. whole wheat flour

1 c. all-purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. cinnamon
2 large apples, peeled, cored, and coarsely chopped – We had Fuji, but I might try one batch with Granny Smith, when I make them again. I like my apples to be more tart, while Fuji are fairly sweet, especially baked.

Preheat the oven to 4oo°F. I line my muffin cups with paper liners when using a muffin batter with chunks of fruit – when they’re hot, it can be easier to get the muffins out in one piece when they are lined.

Combine flours, baking powder & baking soda, salt & cinnamon in a moderately large bowl.  I cream butters and sugar in my Kitchenaid; it just does the job more properly than I. Anyway, cream the butter and add the granulated sugar and 1/4 cup of the brown sugar. You’ll use the other 1/4 cup sprinkling it over the top of the muffin batter before they go in the oven. I recommend setting that 1/4 cup aside by the stove now, or else you’ll sound batty, spooning batter into cups on the stove and muttering something inaudible about “can’t forget the brown sugar”. Not that that’s what I do, mind you, but I recommend it all the same.

Cream butter, granulated sugar and 1/4 cup brown sugar until fluffy – picture below. Add the egg and beat well. At this point, remove mixer bowl from Kitchenaid and add one cup yogurt and fold in until combined. The wet ingredients will become slightly lumpy, since the cold whole milk yogurt hits the butter/sugars/egg and balls up a little. Fold in the dry ingredients – it’s going to take some elbow grease – and fold in the apple chunks very gently until just combined.

Spoon the batter into prepared muffin cups with two spoons, to scrape each other, and sprinkle the remaining 1/4 cup brown sugar on the tops. Bake for 25 minutes, until a knife inserted into the center of the muffins comes out clean. I removed them from the pan immediately and set on a large plate to cool. I fear that one of them didn’t make it longer than a couple minutes before being eaten with coffee. They are really quite good. I think the larger size is perfect – just right for one serving.

♥ Momo

Birds Acting Aloof


Etsy Birds. It’s titled “We Are Here”.

♥ Momo

Apricot Ginger Scones

Guess what I got?? I have coffee!

When I was in college, & then later living on my own, I was a regular at La Vie en Rose Bakery, downing cups of Tony’s French Roast & Apricot Ginger Scones. Now that I’ve bought myself a coffee press, & Tony’s is carried locally, I was feeling sentimental & thought I’d make myself some scones.

Apricot Ginger Scones

1 3/4 c. all-purpose flour

1/3 c. granulated sugar

1 Tbs. baking powder (Yes, you read it right. I swear.)

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. freshly grated nutmeg

6 Tbs. (3/4 stick) cold unsalted butter, cut into cubes

2/3 c. dried apricots, chopped

1/4 c. crystallized ginger, chopped

1 egg

1/2 c. buttermilk

Preheat an oven to 425°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. (Alternative! If you discover that you have no parchment paper, and are scrambling wildly through your kitchen, freaking out about the temperature of the oven and the butter in the dough you just laid out, which ideally has to be cold when it goes into the oven!! ….you could cheat like me, and place the wedges around a glass pyrex pie dish. That baked the scones just fine, just add about five minutes to the cooking time.)

In a moderately large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and nutmeg. Using a pastry blender, cut the butter into the dry ingredients, until the mixture forms coarse crumbs about the size of peas. Stir in the apricots and ginger. In a small bowl, whisk together the egg and buttermilk until blended. Add the egg mixture to the flour mixture and, using a rubber spatula, stir just until evenly moistened. The dough will be sticky.

Turn out the dough onto a floured work surface and press gently into a round roughly 8 inches in diameter. Using a sharp knife or a fancy dough cutter, cut the round into at least 6 equal wedges. I cut mine into 8 because the I like the symmetry of cutting things into quarters, then cutting dividing those in half each, until you have 8. Ask me to make six, and I’ll be able to do it to my satisfaction maybe 1 in 5 times, if it’s a good day.  Place the wedges on the prepared sheet, spacing them about 1 inch apart. Bake until the scones are golden brown, 15 to 17 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack, let cool slightly and serve warm. If you do it right, they’ll still be moist enough to eat with satisfaction when they’re cold. Makes 6-8 scones.

♥ Momo

June Pics


There’s this fancy house on the corner of our street; they try to sell it every once in a while, & bring landscaping crews in to make it nice, but the rest of the year the house is occupied by college students, and their greenery goes rather awry….{if you look at “awry” too long, it looks suspiciously unlike a real word, but it is, I checked}. The resulting overgrowth can be a little annoying to walk over because it extends past the middle of the sidewalk, but this one redeemed itself by sprouting little fluffy things. I’m a huge fan of little fluffy things. Have you seen our cat?

People were staring at me crouching on the sidewalk to get all the pictures I wanted, but I don’t care:

It was just too sweet to leave alone ♥

♥ Momo

Tachikoma + Business.

Business names! Oh, business names. What do you think about Momo Designs?

Looking forward to the gem show next week, & finishing some work with what I have to make room & also to go into the show with a better sense of what I want to make.

I’m still a nerd at heart, so sometimes you’ll have to suffer through pictures of my work with, say, a tachikoma. {Ghost in the Shell. Robot Tanks, with little-girl voices. Very cute.}

♥ Momo

Quinn’s: Capitol Hill


I would beg, borrow or steal to go to Quinn’s. It’s in the neighborhood, and I walk by it all. the. time. It hurts! Everything there is great. I had a salad there once that puts every other salad in my life to shame. Warm bread with hot from the oven chicken, still juicy, with a vinagrette over baby greens. I still remember it, and unfortunately I have to, since it doesn’t seem to be on the menu anymore. Oh well, I guess that leaves their burger:


…here is a picture of the most amazing burger I’ve ever had. I don’t say that lightly, and I’ve eaten it three times now, and every time, it’s the most amazing burger. It’s also the right size to share with the friend or relative you’ve dragged in off the street with promises of the most amazing burger they’ll ever have. I know I have a reputation for exaggeration. I get going about food, food politics, jewelry, books, cats, cat food, Apple products, the street we’re on…whatever it is, I get going and my subject inevitably begins to roll their eyes. Don’t think I don’t notice; I just try to reign it in a little…unsuccessfully.

So I have a reputation for exaggeration, with two exceptions. Those who follow me, eyes rolling, to Quinn’s, Samurai Noodle, or Licorous have the same reaction, i.e. “This is the most amazing burger I’ve ever had!” See? It’s like the most amazing steak you could imagine, with this immensely rich flavor, on a fresh-made brioche bun, with Tillamook cheese. Cheese, Gromit, cheese! Still, telling you that won’t prepare you for the fact that for the few moments I have with that burger, I want for nothing. There’s nothing missing at that moment, it’s that good. Go have one! It’s on the bar menu and the dinner menu. We were there at 5 on a Saturday, and it looks like it starts to fill up around 5:30 or so. When I”ve walked by in the later evenings, it looks like standing room only.

And I didn’t even tell you about the brown butter blondie with ice cream and bacon caramel sauce:

Bacon Caramel Sauce...oh, my.

I recommend taking three friends and tackling this, but only if you each have cameras to capture the look on all your faces as they change with every layer of flavor in this thing. I’m not kidding. There could be a Flickr stream of just the faces of all the people who have taken their first bite of this.

Go to Quinn’s! They’re always sweet, the drinks are great, the IPA I had was awesome, and the food is life-changing.

♥ Momo