I think Tara Austen Weaver of Tea & Cookies put it best this past January: “If the sun hasn’t reported for duty, I have a hard time feeling like I should.”
♥ Momo
I think Tara Austen Weaver of Tea & Cookies put it best this past January: “If the sun hasn’t reported for duty, I have a hard time feeling like I should.”
♥ Momo
NMBS, for short. NMBS 1 from sooishi on Vimeo. {Very nice video}
Photo credits to Sooshi, a site you should all visit. Right now. I feel cleaner, brighter and more capable just by looking at that site. {Thank goodness for Google Chrome auto-translate.}
NMBS is a great idea; on a Sunday which would usually be frittered away, you host a get together with tea and sandwiches. The first Sunday they hosted was also a book swap; everyone went home with a book they might not otherwise have read without the recommendation of whomever brought it to the party. Sundays with company, tea, scones and sandwiches – and a guarantee that your house will have to be cleaned at least once a week – well, enough for company. Count me in!
Since tomorrow is Sunday, I have no chance of pulling together a NMBS Day, but it might be nice to do on a day in November. I would also accept Dim Sum at Jade Garden with friends. as a substitute. Just don’t try to go on Mother’s day without an expectation of at least a two hour wait, and that’s when you have a reservation.
♥ Momo
It’s cold, cold, cold, cold & cold. Did I mention that it’s cold?. It’s too cold to venture out from beneath this big blanket, definitely too cold to go looking for the extension cord I need to plug in the pickle {As the sign in the metals studio I learned in declared: “Pickle is an ACID!”} in its new location off of the kitchen.
It’s too cold to get up and sit at the bench, which is well-placed next to the heater in the living room…except that I don’t control the thermostat to the heater in the living room. Thanks to the excellent wiring in this house, our top floor flat is at the mercy of the tenants in 1 & 2, who apparently have an ample sweater collection, and no inclination to turn up the heat. I need to bribe them somehow.
In the meantime, I’m drinking lots of tea, & enjoying enormous maple bars from:
Top Pot Donuts, which are not warm, but are so delicious they make me forget that my hands are freezing.
Ideas for keeping warm during the holidays:
Jme Tea, from Williams-Sonoma, in Assam, above, or Passion Fruit Mango…which I might not drink during the winter, but I bet it would mix well with lemonade next July.
Ooooo mulling spices. I’m looking forward to December, when I will be curled up on the couch in a pile of satsumas & a gigantic mug of hot cider. This year, we will be making our own mulled cider – a first for me – and I plan to keep it on the stove all winter long.
Btw, have you seen Hello Naomi? Her bio reads “I am a robot programming computer engineer turned baker, cake decorator and party stylist”. I love it.
♥ Momo