Category Archives: Links

Holidays 2011!

Christmas Gifts from Momo Seattle


We had a lovely holiday season this year. Lots of good food, & family. We were both a little spoiled this year, & we finished it off by setting the Christmas tree on fire. {Outside, of course. I have no photos, sadly. I was too cold.}

Hex Bugs

Hex Bugs. I really shouldn’t be allowed near the toy aisles during the holidays.

Sour Cherry Shortbread

Sour cherry shortbread: maybe my new standby, paired with my now-famous chocolate star cookies. In this case if you want the recipe you have to buy the Macrina cookbook. I love that book. I love it so much.

We got to walk in the snow, play Shanghai Rummy, & Santa gave me a copy of Katamari Forever, which means that I bogarted the television & PS3 a little more than I otherwise would during the holidays. It’s my favorite game. {*Future note 01/10/11: Our PS3 broke Sunday night, with the Katamari Forever Disk in it. My heart is broken.}

Katamari Forever. Love.


♥ Momo

Under Construction. Photo Favorites.

Grey Felt


Grey felted scarf.

I want to make some of these…

Felt pebbles.

Pumpkin Love.

Textbook Pumpkins are awesome.

Mondrian Cake


I’m a Flickr & Tumblr addict.

Alder & Co. French Linen Tote.


Alder & Co.

Tartlette rules.

I want to make this Apple Cardamom cake, via Tartlette.

Trying out some new themes; the look of the site might change a couple times while I play around with the style.

♥ Momo

Portal Love.

Love this.

♥ Momo

August ReBoot

“Get up and work.”


I actually didn’t intend to take a two month break from my space here. My studio’s in need of a little love too, as long as I’m being honest.

August is here & I’m feeling much better. {I’m the only person I know who can catch pneumonia in July. July fourth.} I’m adding work to my shop, doing some serious cleaning, & putting my wardrobe through another overhaul. Anyone interested in buying a pair of worn-twice 9.5 limited edition Fluevog boots that I love, but are too small – send me a message, or they are going on eBay!

I’ve gone and invested in two new pairs of shoes:

Best. Boots. Ever.


These won because the heel is the perfect height, the arches fit like a glove, and on my 35″ inseam, they go up to my knee on their lowest setting. I. Love. Them.

The perfect Oxford.


Truth Selby’s. I could walk all day in these, and probably will. Love. I need more Alexander Wang and Black Crane in my wardrobe to go with them…

So, everything that doesn’t go with these shoes are being hung in the potential-elimination section of my closet. We’ll see how that ends up going. {Luckily, it looks like I have a good foundation of pieces that already go with them.}

Oh! I’m also selling this ring:

Vintage Sapphire Ring


It’s on my Etsy page!

♥ Momo




I stalk Toast in my spare time. {It’s funnier if I don’t qualify that statement.}

♥ Momo

April Showers

Abigail Glaum-Lathbury Tesla Dress

…bring May Flowers? I hope so. My May birthday was beautiful last year, but usually in Seattle April showers just bring more showers in May.

Above: Tesla dress, stumbled upon while digging through BonjourItsTina, & finding Sunday Brunch Dress, which is just too nice.

More pics:

Tesla from the Front

Tesla from the Rear

I’m studying Anastasia Young’s Workbench Guide to Jewelry Techniques, & have taken up my sketchbook & pencil, just in time for Spring. ♥

I’ve also rediscovered mo+mo Living:

“Surrounding ourselves with only that which we consider essential, valued and beautiful, brings luxury and simplicity into everyday living and supports an underlying sense of calm and ease.” – words to live by.

In the spirit of mo+mo living, this weekend I will:

  • make a list of unfinished tasks
  • schedule time to complete your list
  • let go of projects that no longer interest you – this is a hard thing for me to work on.
  • repair or replace anything that is broken

Weekend after next: avoid rebuilding the clutter you’ve just eliminated:

  • be consistent and declutter when needed
  • purchase high-quality enduring products – seriously. You end up paying more in all the cheap things you buy to either replace the other cheap stuff or to fill the void in your soul from consistently denying yourself the thing you actually want. Save up, eat ramen and peanut butter for a month, do anything but keep filling your life with the equivalent of happy meal toys.
  • compare and consider before purchasing  – especially if you buy the quality and often more expensive things.
  • don’t keep gifts if they don’t appeal to you – this is an ethical dilemma, but if you consider an alternative: keep the spirit and goodwill in which the gifts were given, and donating or repurposing the thing itself makes little difference.

♥ Momo

The Day the Fire Trucks Came

The rarely photographed Momo

Photograph taken by my good friend Leah, who just so happened to have the world’s largest camera surreptitiously placed in her bag when we evacuated the building the week before last. It was a fun evacuation, nothing too serious, and the building was lovely enough to provide a very, very nice coffee cart this morning, which made me love them all the more.

I rarely post pictures of myself; you might find a few stashed here and there, but I do love Leah’s photography, and with her permission have posted it here. Also pictured is my good friend Suzi. ♥

In other news, Robin, the wonder behind A Chow Life {who until I voted five minutes ago probably had no idea I exist and read her blog every day} is a finalist in the Whole Foods Foodie Fantasy video contest, and if you want to send goodwill out into the world, you can see see her post about it and route to Facebook to vote here. I wish her luck!

I’m frequently mocked for the use of what may sometimes seem like unnecessarily long words. In the spirit of reconciliation, I give you Milne:

“It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn’t use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like “What about lunch?”
— A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)

♥ Momo



Walking bookshelf.

Aside from Futility Closet, I’ve been sucked into the world of Pintrest, which has all of the self-absorbed fun of your universal wish list from Amazon, and all of the charm and whimsy of Etsy. Just imagine a world in which Amazon lists are required to meet an aesthetic standard, judged constantly by people you’ve never met. It’s possible that it’s me, but it does feel a little competitive. {With so many things on the internet, it’s surprisingly difficult to pin something beautiful that hasn’t been found and pinned already. You’re running through the internet-verse looking for that rare butterfly no one has caught in their net.}

Of course, I find things on Pintrest that I might never have seen any other way, like the walking bookshelf above, which is only half as brilliant as the corresponding notice:

Every 30 seconds a book is published in the world.

The average publication prints 5000 copies

Every minute 10,000 books are sent to print.

The average reader can read about 240 words per minute.

A 300 page book normally takes 9 hours to read, non-stop.

If you read while you walk, you can read a book in about 43 kilometers.

If you read and walk, watch out for traffic.

It’s fashion, art, interior design, sculpture, jewelry, high art, and collected galleries of indie tattoos. How did I live to surf the internet without it? I’ll never know.

On an unrelated note, I have had the word “ubiquity” stuck in my head for days now. The way one wakes up with a particularly obnoxious song stuck in one’s head, I get random selections from the English vernacular. {Even better: in checking my use of the word “vernacular”, I’ve come across a new word to pick over: “argot”, the first definition of which is “a secret language or conventional slang peculiar to thieves, tramps or vagabonds”. How awesome is that.} In checking up on “ubiquity”, I stumbled upon another new favorite: the title of this post, which turns out to be a really and truly valid word.

….so that’s how my artistic day starts, at 4:30 p.m. or so lately. I look up and see the very faint light of the real world before I venture in. {I do have a professional day before this point, but it being a professional day, I spend it working – not looking at Pintrest, which would be downfall of workplaces everywhere.}

♥ Momo

Vintage Love

Secret Stanhope Pin-Up Girl Ring

I love vintage jewelry, & if it has a twist? ♥ {Hidden pictures of pin up girls visible through a bijoux photomicroscopique.}

♥ Momo

The Owl Thing {Still}

I introduce you to the owl equivalent of Maru the Cat.

♥ Momo